Scott Hubbard

Scott grew up in a warm, loving home in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, but he didn’t understand the gospel of Jesus and his need to be born again until his freshman year at Colorado State University. Through a Bible study with a campus minister, Scott came to see the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus, leading him to confess, repent, and begin following his Lord.

While serving part-time in college ministry after graduation, Scott sensed a growing desire to faithfully teach God’s word for the good of his people. That desire led him to move to Minneapolis to pursue an M.Div. at Bethlehem College & Seminary, from which he graduated in 2018.

Scott met Bethany through a shared love for the poet George Herbert and a shared testimony of God’s faithfulness in affliction. They married in 2019, and today they are the happy parents to two wild and wonderful boys, Levi and Jesse. Living in South Minneapolis, they enjoy walking new trails, playing in their backyard, and wading in the Mississippi.

Scott works full-time as an editor for Desiring God, an online Christian ministry. At All Peoples Church, he oversees the kids’ ministry and helps to lead a Missional Community and DNA group. He longs to see the church grounded in the Scriptures, growing in love, and laboring together to make disciples.